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sawa visitor

sawa visitor SIM card allows KSA visitors, whether they are on vacation, a business trip, Hajj or Umrah, to stay in touch locally and internationally with their beloved ones.

visitor packages

- you must visit the branch upon arrival to activate the number.

- booking the number will be for 30 days.

- prices include 15% vat.

* visitor packages (35, 60, 73): yemen, sudan, the philippines, egypt, bangladesh, india, pakistan, ethiopia, indonesia, uae, sri lanka, kuwait, nepal, oman, bahrain, qatar, syria, jordan, lebanon, china, malaysia.

** visitor package (104) : yemen, sudan, the philippines, egypt, bangladesh, india, pakistan, ethiopia, indonesia, uae, sri lanka, kuwait, nepal, oman, bahrain, qatar, syria, jordan, lebanon, china, malaysia. + nigeria, morocco, tunisia, turkey, libya, iraq.

*** visitor package (130, 165) : yemen, sudan, philippines, egypt, bangladesh, india, pakistan, ethiopia, indonesia, uae, sri lanka, kuwait, nepal, oman, bahrain, qatar, syria, jordan, lebanon, china, malaysia, nigeria. turkey, iran, iraq, afghanistan, morocco, algeria, tunisia, russia, libya.

service tariff rates


Rates of calls inside and outside stc network after the free minutes have been consumed

Data rates after consuming the package

Rates of SMS within stc network after consuming the package

Rates of SMS to other networks after consuming the package

prepaid number tariff

55 Halala/min


25 Halala/min

35 Halala/min

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