stc's Services in Ports Support Digitization of Operational Processes

With the aim of making Saudi ports pioneers in adopting modern technologies and enhancing their competitiveness at the regional and international levels, stc Group, the digital transformation engine, through Business unit and in partnership with the General Authority of Ports and the Saudi Global Ports Company and Red Sea Gateway Terminal, is providing a range of digital services and solutions for the transportation and ports sector. These include the provision of a private 5G network and Edge computing services at the King Abdulaziz Port in Dammam and the Jeddah Islamic Port. These services contribute to improving performance, operations, economic competitiveness, cost reduction, and increasing the safety level of workers, in addition to supporting the digitization of operational processes in ports and contributing to enhancing their operational processes and the application of modern technologies, starting with remote control of quay cranes and increasing the container handling capacity.
In addition to many other services, the three-dimensional visualization technology for cranes contributes to representing their actual operation by tracking the status of the cranes and the container transfer rate, which helps in monitoring operational indicators and increasing their productivity.
These services also include the use of smart cameras and artificial intelligence supported by 5G technology to automatically identify the container number when handling it from the ship, as well as to determine the truck card number and record the data in the operating systems without human intervention, which significantly contributes to reducing costs and maintaining the safety of human resources. In addition, smart surveillance cameras enhance safety and security within the port area through face recognition, license plate recognition, detection of vehicles exceeding the specified speed, and fraud detection, as well as sending real-time alerts to the security team using artificial intelligence technology. Additionally, forklift trucks are equipped with private 5G-supported cameras for direct video monitoring, enhancing cargo handling operations and contributing to reducing damage costs at an early stage during container opening.

smart ports


With cutting-edge technologies and in partnership with the General Authority of Ports and the Saudi Global Ports Company, we innovate to shape a future that reaches beyond.

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