Business Model

As a regional telecommunications and digital leader, stc has the scale, strategy and strength to lead the digital transformation across the Kingdom and beyond, while creating consistent and sustainable returns for our shareholders and tangible value for all our stakeholders.
Our strengths
Exceptional expertise
and experience
Exceptional expertise
and experience
Our talented and diverse team of 22,751 employees.
Market-leading brand
Market-leading brand
One of the most valuable
brands in the Middle East.
Deep ecosystem of
stakeholders and partnerships
Deep ecosystem of
stakeholders and partnerships
Our robust and growing network
strategic partners and key stakeholders.
World-class network
and cutting-edge technology
World-class network
and cutting-edge technology
Our best-in-class network
infrastructure complemented
by state-of-the-art technologies.
Strong financial fundamentals
and track record
Strong financial fundamentals
and track record
Our outstanding track record of financial performance with record-breaking growth.
Create value
Our vision
Digital and telco leader, enabling the society and economy to thrive, in KSA and beyond.
Key business activities
stc is leading the digital transformation, nationally and regionally, by offering a variety of ICT solutions and digital services in several categories including telecommunication, IT, financial technology, digital media, cybersecurity and other advanced digital solutions.
Investor Relations Department
P.O. Box: 87912, Riyadh 11652,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Business Tel: 8001161100
From outside KSA: + 966 (11) 4527000, Ex. 2
Email: IRU@stc.com.sa