Annual Report

Internal Control

stc’s Board of Directors declares that the accounting records have been prepared correctly and that the internal control system and procedures have been properly prepared and effectively implemented without material observations, and that there is little doubt as to stc's ability to continue its activities.

The Audit Committee oversees the compliance, internal audit, and the external audit, which regularly reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control system and procedures to provide a continuous assessment of the system and its effectiveness. This is part of the objectives of the Board to obtain reasonable assurance about the soundness of the design of stc internal control system and its effectiveness. In this regard, during the fiscal year 2022, the Audit Committee held 9 meetings and discussed a number of topics falling under its competencies, such as reviewing financial statements, investments, and business units, as well as strategic and organizational affairs, human resources, procurement, and IT systems, among other issues relevant to stc businesses. This is during the presence of the Executive Management and the Internal Audit.